Bilen berør opp malingspenn med børste
Bilen berør opp malingspenn med børste
WEIGHT - 0.02 kgKunne ikke laste inn tilgjengelighet for henting
DIY billakkreparasjonspenn Bil- og ripefjerner
Disse malingspennene er ikke spesielt designet for å matche Teslas originale malingsfarger 100 %, men de er ideelle for små riper og flekker og gir veldig god valuta for pengene. Vennligst velg fargen nøye, og det anbefales at du tester fargen før du påfører. Husk også at fargen vil endre seg når den er tørr, og i de fleste tilfeller må du påføre et andre strøk når det første strøket har tørket for å få det beste resultatet. Disse malingspennene med pensel er også ideelle for å dekke skader på lettmetallfelger og hjulnavkapsler. Vær oppmerksom på at dette produktet kun er laget for å reparere små områder, og for større områder kan du se på Teslas originale malingspenner som er oppført på nettstedet vårt som har malingsfarger som matcher Tesla nesten 100 %.
- Premium Høy kvalitet.
- Eksternt materiale: Plast.
- Farge: svart, hvit, sølv, sølvgrå, rød, mørkeblå, gul, champagne.
- Utmerket design for reparasjon av ripefrakk
- Ikke giftig, permanent, vanntett
- Merk: Lett å tørke, vennligst stram hetten etter bruk av pennen.
Slik bruker du:
- Rist Car Scratch Repair Pen applikatoren grundig med hetten på, påfør Car Scratch Repair Pen i det skyggefulle området.
- Prime applikatoren på en separat overflate. Rist opp 40-50 ganger.
- Påfør langs og inn i skadet klarlakk. Arbeid raskt, Fix it Pro herder i direkte sollys.
- Tørk raskt av overskudd med tørt papirhåndkle, siden Fix it Pro kan herde raskt. La herde i sollys til det er tørt (1-48 timer). Dypere riper kan kreve ytterligere påføring.
Pakken inkluderer:
- 1 stk billakkpenn
Bil Touch Up Paint Fill Paint Pen, Automotive Paint, Touch Up Paint for biler, Rask og enkel bilripe reparasjonspenn, Bilfjerner Ripe Svart Hvit 12ml

The colour doesn't match the red on teslas from 2023. It's more like a burnt orange than red. Very disappointed
Our Red in both the generic which you have purchased the the Tesla Matched paint pens corresponds to Tesla ULTRA RED which was the same from 2012 to the last Model 3 RHD left the factory in early 2024. We do however not at this time offer CHERRY RED which is the colour released by TESLA on the HIGHLAND is September 2023 in LHD Markets and March 2024 in RHD Markets. We do not offer CHERRY RED and this colour is not currently available as a touch up pen. The Tesla Ultra Red is the only RED available in a touch up pen. When you placed an order you purchased however a generic paint pen for €7.99 which is very close to the ULTRA RED however if you wanted a multicoat option for ULTRA RED you would have needed to purchase SKU 5061033613389 which is €19.99 without a base coat however depending on the damage you are trying to repair you may or may not require the Pre Paint Compound which is SKU 5061033613396 and costs €12.99 or the Primer ( white always ) which is SKU 506103361338 and costs €24.99 You chose the lowest cost option which is the Generic Ultra Red and this is designed for small scratched only and is usually used on the lower sills or on the front were you get stone chips. It is not designed to cover any area more than 0.5mm but this is a decision you can make yourself or you can bring your Tesla to a crash repair or valet company who will both give you advice on what you need to repair the damage. You should check your Tesla VIN Number to confirm the colour of your Tesla if you are not sure if the colour is ULTRA RED or CHERRY RED. The ULTRA RED is not a metallic colour however the CHERRY RED is a metallic colour with the CHERRY RED also being much darker. When using Paint Pens you must understand the finish of your car has multiple coats however a paint pen for €7.99 is a single coat as is the matched colour paint pen for €19.99. If you scratch does down to the metal you need to use a compound and undercoat and then to get the gloss ( varnish ) coat you will then need to use a clear varnish coat which is available as SKU 5061033613419 and costs €19.99. If any customers send us a photo of the damage we will always advise on what paint products to purchase or we will tell you to go to a repair centra and to ask them for a quote as by the time you spend €60+ on the correct paints to repair a major scratch you may find that the €150 the paint repair shop wanted to respray the damaged area is a better deal. Paint Pens are to repair small damage such as minor scratches and stone chips and they cannot perform miracles given you are applying the paint with a brush were as the original finish was a multicoat spray. The pen you purchased is the lowest cost option and many Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model S owners have purchased this same RED PAINT PEN to repair small damage on their ULTRA RED cars going back to 2014 RHD models. It should however be noted that when Tesla launched the new CHERRY RED they did call it ULTRA RED however within a few months they decided to change the name to CHERRY RED. Here is a link explaining the release of the new Cherry Red https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-ultra-red-color-multicoat-comparison/#google_vignette and here is a link showing the old ULTRA RED https://www.teslaoracle.com/2023/03/09/tesla-introduces-ultra-red-a-fiery-new-model-s-and-model-x-premium-paint-option/ . We are here to help our customers however you did not engage with us prior to making your choice and this morning you sent us an email asking for a part number for a RED Paint Pen and within our reply we explained the difference between CHERRY RED and ULTRA RED and we advised you that we were unable to provide CHERRY RED at this time. We still do not know what colour your car is or the model as you did not share this information with us however we did provide you with information stating our paint pens were only for ULTRA RED. Please also understand that a paint pen is for very small areas and is designed to protect the body of the car more than to totally hide the damage however many people can use the paint pens to save themselves considerable costs when it comes to body shop repairs. I would also like to mention that the ULTRA RED is not orange in colour however as I am sure you know RED is comprised of orange and even yellow to get the type of red finish depending on the type of red of course. If you paint pen is showing a more yellow or organge colour it is most likely you have not shaken the pen to mix the paint and therefore you are seeing more of one colour that the other. If you shake the pen to mix the colour you will not see yellow or orange as these mix to create ULTRA RED. If you are not happy with the quality even of the lowest cost paint pen option which you purchase please bring your Tesla to a body shop as damage to the paint which goes through multiple layers to the metal body can turn ugly very quickly and you can get blisters in the surrounding paint. If you want us to take a look at the damage and to offer you advice please email sales@teslary.ie and we are more than happy to help you make the right decision.