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Tesla Model Y 19 "Blade Style Full Cover Wheel Hubs

Tesla Model Y 19 "Blade Style Full Cover Wheel Hubs


WEIGHT - 3.5 kg
Venjulegt verð €229,99 EUR
Venjulegt verð Söluverð €229,99 EUR
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Skattar innifalinn. Sending reiknað út við kassa.
  • Afhending ESB 2-6 dagar með færslu eða GLS
  • Hratt afhending næsta dags um Írland
  • Pantaðu fyrir klukkan 14.30 fyrir flutninga sama dag

4 STK Fyrir TESLA Gerð Y 19 tommu blaðhjólhlíf Hlífðarhettur Aðeins fyrir Y (2022-2024)

Tesla Y Sports Style 19" svartir hjólhlífar x 4  Hjólhlíf með fullri þekju og kemur með 4 miðjuhettum og hlífðarteipi fyrir ytri felgurnar að innan til að tryggja fullkomna passa sem og fullkomið útlit og frammistöðu. Fáðu þér Sports Styling án þess að missa svið með þessum 19" hjólhettum með tvíhliða samhverfu.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Brian Crosskerry
What a differce €750 made to my 2019 Tesla Model 3

My 19 Model 3 had been looking a little sorry after a number of kerb incidents over the years. I purchased a set of Tesla Y Alloys from a breakers yard however I was missing 2 of the centre caps and the larger alloys did have a few scratches. The good think was that the alloys came with almost new 19" tyres. The wheel covers were the icing on the cake and now my Model 3 looks like no other Model 3. Good advice from the knowledgeable staff at teslary gave me the confidence to go ahead with this upgrade and they even gave me the number of the breakers yard in Newry were I got the alloys and had then delivered to my door. Maybe not the best move given I could not fit them all into the 3 at the same time and I was not putting any tyres on the back seat

Reggie Morgan
Very happy

Really a big improvement over the standard covers. Handy to install (wear some kind of gloves). Shopping was fast and hassle free.