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Tesla Model 3 / Y Nappa Pu Leður fest sæti hlífðarhlífar

Tesla Model 3 / Y Nappa Pu Leður fest sæti hlífðarhlífar


WEIGHT - 0.53 kg
Venjulegt verð €129,99 EUR
Venjulegt verð Söluverð €129,99 EUR
Sala Uppselt
Skattar innifalinn. Sending reiknað út við kassa.
Tesla líkan
  • Afhending ESB 2-6 dagar með færslu eða GLS
  • Hratt afhending næsta dags um Írland
  • Pantaðu fyrir klukkan 14.30 fyrir flutninga sama dag

Nappa gervi leður bílstólahlíf fyrir Tesla Y/3 - Andar, loftræstir fram- og aftursætapúðar - 4Seasons samhæft


Hannað til að bjóða upp á kælandi tilfinningu og hætta að svitna vegna PU leðursætisefnisins á sumrin og til að taka kuldann úr köldum sætum á vetrarmorgni.

Gerð úr þægilegu og frískandi nappa gervi leðri sem andar og er hannað til að anda. Veitir skilvirka kælingu og gefur kalda húðtilfinningu. Það býður upp á frískandi tilfinningu og eyðir hita fljótt til að gefa húðinni kælandi tilfinningu.

Þessar sætishlífar trufla ekki hliðar- eða sætisloftpúða og eru hönnuð til að vernda Tesla PU leðursætin þín gegn sliti og skemmdum og eru tilvalin fyrir Tesla Model 3 eða Tesla Model Y bíla sem hafa meira slit en meðaltal. .


VERNAR TESLA LEÐRSÆTI ÞÍN FYRIR sliti og aftan og öðrum skemmdum

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Joe K
Perfect Solution for my Taxi

Perfect solution for my Tesla Model Y RWD. I was worried about the seats from day one given how many customers are in and out of the car everyday let alone the luggage dragged in and out. I was trying to find a low cost solution which would allow me to protect the seats and replace or at least clean the covers every year. Spending €600 on full fitted seat covers was just too expensive and I did spend €250 on a set of full seat covers bough online from China I assume a week after collecting my Tesla Y however when they arrived they were not a good fit and within a few months the stitching was freying. It was €250 down the drain and they looked terrible within a few months. I was in Carlow collecting a set of wheel covers and I took a look at the partial seat covers and they looked good. The guys in Carlow fit one of the covers to the front seat to let me see the quality and fit and I bought them as they seemed to be exactly what I had been looking for. I was also able to buyt the 7 claw centre caps and Rim Protectors which has saved me from replacing damaged wheel covers of which I had to do twice to date. The rim protectors cover the alloy wheel were it would touch the kerb so instead of replacing a set of wheel covers I can simply buy the rim covers which are a lot cheaper. Good guys down there who put up with me for over 2 hours. Again thank you for all of your help and I hope those reading this review know how lucky we are to have your business here so close to us in Ireland.

Alexander Neelan
Good fit and ideal to keep my white seats clean

Good fit , easy to fit and I hope to keep my white seats clean. I was having issues with the dye from my jeans coming off on the white leather of the drivers seat so my choice was to change my wardrobe or let my white seats turn blue !

I had considered buying white covers but after after consideration I went with the black and as you can see my white seats are still visible but I do longer have to worry about wear to the whote seays or dyes coming off onto them. Good value for money