Premium USB -C kabeli za Apple i Android telefone - Tesla y/3x/s
Premium USB -C kabeli za Apple i Android telefone - Tesla y/3x/s
WEIGHT - 0.0 kgNije mogao učitati dostupnost preuzimanja
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USB kabel za brzo punjenje za model Tesla Y/3/X/S, dodaci za punjenje automobila posebno dizajnirani za vlasnike Tesla, ekskluzivni izgled zidnog konektora, izvrstan dizajn, savršen spoj s interijerom, nadopunjuju se, savršen poklon za ljubitelje Tesla automobila.
Omotač USB kabela za Teslu izrađen je od materijala od legure cinka, antioksidacijskog i nemagnetskog, koji može blokirati toplinu i spriječiti toplinu. Kabel je najlonska pletena žica visoke gustoće, jake nosivosti i nije ga lako slomiti. Glavni USB-C priključak USB kabela je dizajna pod pravim kutom od 90°, koji je u skladu sa svim sučeljima u automobilu Tesla, neće slomiti kabel i produljiti radni vijek USB kabela.
USB kabel podržava QC 3.0 brzo punjenje, velika snaga od 60 W može uvelike poboljšati brzinu punjenja i brzinu prijenosa, učinkovito punjenje i brz prijenos podataka. USB priključak ima ugrađeni pametni čip, stabilan izlaz, može održavati kontinuirano punjenje na niskoj temperaturi bez zagrijavanja. Kabel ima ugrađenu bakrenu jezgru visoke čistoće bez kisika, s malim otporom, bržim prijenosom struje i sigurnijom upotrebom.
USB kabel može pratiti stanje punjenja i vidjeti tri stanja punjenja u stvarnom vremenu. Stanje sporog punjenja: boja svjetla za disanje je zelena i sporo treperi; Stanje brzog punjenja: boja svjetla za disanje je plava, a što je veća snaga, brža je brzina disanja; Potpuno napunjeno stanje dugo je svijetlozeleno. Može biti praktičniji za korištenje. Drugi kraj Lightning kabela ne mora biti spojen na telefon i također će svijetliti.
USB kabel se može koristiti sa bilo kojim sučeljem u Tesla autu, kao što je središnja konzola, kutija za naslone za ruke, mogu se koristiti i prednji i stražnji redovi, što je prilagođeno Tesli. Vrlo je praktičan i neophodan dodatak za Tesla auto, a ujedno i najbolji poklon za prijatelje Tesla automobila. Ukoliko imate pitanja, slobodno nas kontaktirajte, a mi ćemo vam pružiti najbolju uslugu.

Really nice good quality cables that look like they belong in my Tesla X. I was easily able to add 2 cables for charging without any need for hubs or adapters. Clearly designed to look like they belong in the Tesla. I asked if they had a darker version of the cable and I got what I wanted next day without any fuss. The darker version is like smoked chrome and matches my interior. The darker version was not listed as an option but the good news is that you can ask for them.
Fast delivery with my order arriving the next morning after I orderd last on a Monday evening. Well designed and built product and far superior to the cables I buy from our local Circle K. You can both see and feel the quality of this cable which is braded and has protection on both connectors to increase the life span. I have lost count of the amount of iphone cables I have bought over the years and even though I have only had this cable for 3 weeks I get the impression it will last a lot longer than the more expensive cables I have been buying in our local
This USB Cable looks good and charges my Samsung S24 at lighning fast speed. I have been using this cable now for almost 2 months and it is clearly built to last. I ordered 5 of them expecting the usual quality were they last a month to 6 weeks but the bend in the cable were it connects to the USB C socket in the front centre console tray seems to protect the cable from wear and tear. I also bought the iphone version for my wife who goes through these cables usually in weeks and she is also still on her first cable after almost 2 months. Worth the money and fast delivery. I ordered after 4PM on a Friday and I received from An Post the next morning just after 10AM which I must admit was a surprise as I had not expected delivery for a few days. It is good to see a genuine Irish website who actually have the stock to ship same day when you place an order. Please let me know were you would like me to place reviews for you as I believe every Tesla owner needs to know about your webiste. Excellent product and experience from what is an Irish website and I mean that as a compliment for a change.
Feels premium and fits perfect. Superfast charging of my Samsung S23 which feels 10x the charge time of the wireless pads.