Колекционери на камиони Tesla Semi 1:24 Неофициална версия
Колекционери на камиони Tesla Semi 1:24 Неофициална версия
WEIGHT - 0.34 kgНаличността за получаване на място не можа да се зареди
1:24 Tesla Semi Electric Truck Model Alloy Die Cast Toy Truck Model Звук и светлина Детска играчка Колекционерска стойност
Има малки части и ако давате това на дете, бихме препоръчали 3 години и повече, но както при всички играчки от този тип има малки части и батерии.
Моля, имайте предвид, че това е детска кола играчка или колекционерска стойност и не е колекционерското издание на моделите, продавани от Tesla. Въпреки това е добра колекция за вашата колекция Tesla или като детска играчка. Това не е 100% перфектно представяне на Tesla Semi Truck, но изглежда много добре, докато седи на рафт или на бюрото ви, докато чакате вашата нова Tesla да пристигне!
Тези 1:24 Tesla Semi Trailer Trucks Model Cars са произведени по висок стандарт и включват много подобни функции на версията в пълен размер, както можете да видите от снимките.

Received in 2 days and I found it to be excellent as a present for my young children. I ordered 2 of them and they arrived well packed and quick with gls. Thank you for your help
Firstly, I found the packaging terrible, just a polystyrene box. Not great for gifting but that’s just my opinion. Secondly, I mean the product itself the quality is decent but I just expected it to be bigger. It’s pretty small which I was surprised about. Would I pay the same price for another one? Absolutely not. On a positive, the delivery was quick and the quality of the little truck itself is decent but the photos do not give a true reflection of the size.
Adrian ,
I would firstly like to reply to your statement about the size of the Semi Truck. It is a 1:24 Scale Model and the dimensions are clearly showing in photo 6 which stated 20.2cm x 8.6cm x 11.9cm which is very large for a 1:24 Toy and the images are a true reflection of the product.
Regards the packing the protective styrofoam is designed to ensure the Tesla Semi Truck reaches our customer worldwide in perfect condition and we have chosen to be practical with the packing to ensure the best protection. We do however offer an option to purchase full colour packing with any of our Scale Model cars with the reseller logo once the minimum order is of 160 pieces or above. The retails packing is however designed to be shipped with 8 to a carton to trade customers and we would never ship a single retail packed retail box as it would not offer protection to the contents and given the extra cost to the reseller for the packing and the shipping this is why you will see our 1:24 Scale Models sold for between €69.99 and €99.99 in retail stores. If you purchase from us direct you receive a product in protective packing to ensure it gets to you in perfect confition.
I am sorry you are unhappy with your purchase but to say the images are not a true reflection of the product is being unfair particualry considering the size is mentioned in the name of the product and the dimensions are shown in the photos.
This has been one of the most popular scale models purchased over the last 3 months and we have not had any reports about issues with either the packing or the size from any of our customers or from our resellers across Europe. If you want to purchase with full colour retail packing please contact our sales team and they will provide you a link to one of our resellers across Europe who had ordered with the instore full colour packing.
We do everything possible to ensure totally accurate descriptions and as you will see many of the images are specific to our website and we do this to ensure the images truly reflect the product being offered on our website.
We have described the Tesla Scale 1:24 Truck as a toy for children and it is not a collectors edition. We do often have the 1:18 Collectors Editions available however this is a specialist product which is available in limited numbers given its cost however we do expect stock to return in early 2025 however I cannot tell you if the 2024 price will be the same as when the item went out of stock in early November 2024.