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Tesla Model 3/Y Frunk Soft Close Automatic Hearing Mechanism

Tesla Model 3/Y Frunk Soft Close Automatic Hearing Mechanism


WEIGHT - 0.79 kg
Редовна цена €179,99 EUR
Редовна цена Продажна цена €179,99 EUR
Разпродажба Разпродадени
Включени данъци. Доставка изчислено при плащане.
Тип модел

За електрическа засмукваща ключалка на предната резервна кутия на Tesla:

1. Автоматична адсорбция, само с леко натискане и без нужда от силно натискане

2. След отваряне, ако няма операция в продължение на 90 секунди, той автоматично ще се затвори, за да предотврати случайно докосване на бутона за отваряне на телефона и невъзможност за затваряне

3. Неразрушителна инсталация, без счупени кабели, без нужда от пробиване, трябва само да смените оригиналната ключалка на автомобила

4. Не засяга нито една функция на оригиналната ключалка на автомобила

5. Лесна инсталация, може да бъде завършена самостоятелно за около 20 минути.


За модел Y 2022 - 2024 и модел 3 2019 - 2023

Опаковъчен списък:

1* Електрическа брава за преден багажник на електрическа кола


Отстраняване на проблеми:

1. По време на периода на самозасмукване от 1,90 секунди, вратите не могат да бъдат отворени или заключеното превозно средство не може да бъде отключено;

2. Ако все още не може да се самозасмуква, причината е, че електрическата ключалка за засмукване е фиксирана твърде високо. Разхлабете двата винта, които фиксират оригиналната ключалка на автомобила и я регулирайте леко надолу;

Спецификации на продукта:

Тип продукт: Предна електрическа засмукваща ключалка за багажника за Tesla Frunk Soft Closing Automatic Frunk Auto Closer


За модел Y 2021-2024

Основен материал: сплав

Основна функция: Автоматично самозатваряне

Ток на напрежението: напрежение 9-15V, работен ток <5A

Ниво на шум: <50dB

Време за монтаж: 10-15 минути

Размери на опаковката: 22.5cm*20.5cm*8.6cm(0.8KGS

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Brian H Dublin
Ideal Upgrade and 6 Star Service

I watched the video and I decided to install myself however I went wrong and when I spoke to support they invited me to drive down and they completed the job I could not. It turned out that I bought the Y version when I should have bought the Model 3 specific version. Given the amount of work I insisted on paying for the work but this was refused. They uninstalled the incorrect version I had installed and they then installed the new 3 version. All in all in took them about 90 minutes to complete the task but I do assest they spent more time putting right the mess I made. I knew I ordered the Y version but I assumed they were the same and yes I failed to read the notice in the description. I did end up driving from Dublin to Carlow with tape the only thing ensuring my frunk stayed safety closed. These guys were very helpful and even insisted on cleaning the tape off the car. I was able to stay and watch them work however I chose to walk across the road and get a coffee in a Maxol garage. When I made the purchase they offered to fit the mechanism for €150 but considering my job and experience I decided to save the €150 and do it myself. This was a simply and straight forward install but once i went wrong and I had pieces which did not fit I was in trouble. If I could give more than 5 Stars I would. Thankfully I bought the mechanism locally and it came with a warranty as I would not have been happy driving to China to get them to fit the mechanism. I will always go to Teslary first before looking elsewhere given the service they provided to me. I expect if they had not helped I would have had to call out Tesla and pay for a range to return the original mechanism to working order. Teslary saved the day and I am grateful to them for all of the help , assistance and advice they offered to me. I know they are only open a few weeks and I was the first onsite customer. They had a reception area were I was able to sit and wait however I chose to go across the road to get a coffee for my nerves...